You know that dreaded question that you get asked at job interviews or by anyone you meet and never know what to say or if your being asked about infancy, the last six months of your life or somewhere in between.

Tell us about yourself?

Take one

Tall, not particularly athletic but solid (mostly), filterless, fearless, sarcastic, complex, bold, aware, fun, funny, talented, confused and a contradiction in terms, wrapped up in a whole heap of integrity.

In a nutshell a bit of a smart ars*e...or so some might say 😏 


Tell us about yourself?

Take two

A south west londoner born and raised.

From a young age I had street smart, naturally wise and empathic with a nose for understanding complex situations that was percieved to be above my level of understanding and as I grew older it got more refined, despite my educational achievements or more accurately, lack there of!

I stood up to the bullies, for anyone who needed me to. I will not stand for bullies, not even now. Everyone deserves to be heard and be their authentic self.


I've always been a lover of reading with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and personal growth, probably because as I saw it as a form of escape.


You'd never believe me if I told you, I was shy at heart, not as confident as I seem and not a lover of having attention on myself but as I tell people if you play a part long enough, it can start to become you. That doesn't mean that it's all that you are or that you can't be both shy and confident.


I consider myself a creative, I used to perform every chance I got, in part because I got to be someone else, in part because I get to see the world in a different way and in yet another part to expel all the energy building up inside me.


I manage my intense mental health conditions from which I've suffered since the age of nine and and I feel that I am proof that regardless of the burdens of your mind or your demons, you can use them to propel yourself to success.


Im a daughter, neice, granddaughter, friend, condfidant, professional, and honourary sister to many.

I'm an everyday person, a face in the crowd, a champion for those who need to see themselves as they are..


I'm just me and unapologetically so.


*I preferred take one 😂, more succinct*

who are you as a professional?


I am an eccentric, direct, inquisitive, strong and compassionate leader.


I don't think outside the box. There is no box, there is only the limits of your own imagination.

I see opportunites in adversity, I boost my teams up because I want them to overtake me and openly encourage it.

I've never understood leaders who are threatened by others success, sit with me, do what I do, show me what you do, let's succed together.

I don't know everything nor do I wish to, I am nor perfect nor to I protest to be.

But I am the best person for the job because I have what many lack. The right attitude and that is evident in what I have managed to deliver for my stakeholders in my 9 plus years as a professional.

I deliver exceptional customer experience for my stakeholders, I give invaulable tools to my teams and I do it within budget, I also advise my clients becuase I understand their vision and I give them the benefit of my expertise and understanding in a way they've not considered delivered in a bespoke fashion every time, despite my age and lack of technical experience.

You can hire the person with 25 years experience with a BA in Business or Facilities managment, but they won't deliver what I can, because what I am can't be taught, you either have it or you don't.

And I want to share that with you